Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Imperfect by definition

In my opinion perfection is a concept that it's to wide, the definition of perfection might be understood diferently in many diferents situations and at the same time seems to be something imposible to achive. For example electrons and the interaction betweem them. In the interaction between differents types of atoms, some times one of those atoms likely is going to lose or gain electrons. Why that happen? Probably that one the atoms in the interacion is weaker and is not able to keep electrons and the other is to greedy and want more even if it's more than enough. Therefore I would say that a failure is to be weak in some situation as I would say also that steal is a failure or defect in the atom interaction. My point is to highlight that even from the basic structure of the nature we are able to find flaws or defects and therefore we as humans came to this world with flaws and defects, which make us imperfects by definition. Flaws and defect that could be with us since our birth or flwas or defects that we gaing or learn during our life. The fact that we came to this world with flaws or that we gain them it's not some excuse to say that is the only way that we are goin te be. In my opinion without beein worried of how many flaws do we have, we are able to improve ourselves. How much we are able to improve? It only deppend on each person, but for sure no one is goint to reach perfection

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